Message from the Chair
Welcome Brothers and friends to the official website of the Scholarship and Educational Foundation of Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Alpha Lambda is seated in the great City of Newark, New Jersey. A city that is undergoing an impressive and remarkable renaissance. The Men of Alpha Alpha Lambda have been a part of this strategic effort through its commitment to service and excellence. Alpha Alpha Lambda Scholarship and Educational Foundation has for 20 years hosted its Martin Luther King Luncheon each January, and its centerpiece is the oratorical contest for 7th and 8th grade young men. It is our belief that to have a future we must build for the future. This contest fulfills that mission in helping young men gain the power and confidence to express themselves in a manner befitting our future leaders.
Our Mission and Objectives are;
Our Mission:
The Mission of the Alpha Alpha Lambda Scholarship and Educational Foundation is to encourage, enlighten and advance the educational opportunities for minority males in Essex County NJ.
Encourage donors to make effective charitable decisions through our various donor opportunities.
Grow The Foundation’s assets to provide for diverse community needs for generations to come.
Listen to the needs of our community as a whole.
Collaborate and work closely with professionals, other nonprofits, and community leaders in Essex County seeking to make a difference.
Alpha Alpha Lambda is involved in numerous other civic events in the Essex County NJ area, and we will continue to ever uphold the motto of this great Fraternity “First of all servants of all we shall transcend all”.
I invite you to explore our site, view our works and read about our history. If you have any questions or comments feel free to write to me or any member of the Executive Board.
Peace and Blessings,
Brother Mark J. Hassell
Alpha Alpha Lambda Scholarship & Educational Foundation.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
Mark J. Hassell