Submission Criteria
Deadline: Friday, November 13, 2020 at 5:00pm
Submissions for the Preliminary round must be uploaded to the link below. Finalists will be notified by the first week of December to provide adequate time to prepare for the finals on Saturday, January 16, 2021.
Topic- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Perspectives of the World Today
Speeches must be no less than 5 minutes and no greater than 7 minutes.
Criteria for Judging (Opening, Logic, Creativity, Eye Contact, Voice/Diction, Originality, Appearance, Preparedness, Effectiveness and Time)
Suggestions for a strong video-
Participant Should be Standing
Dress should be business-casual (jacket, khakis, tie or suit)
Camera must be stationary (rest it on a table, chair, etc.)
Background should be a plain, flat surface.- Recommendations are a wall, sheet, etc. (black or white background preferred)
Camera should be framed from the waist up.